It`s been several weeks now that we have been following the news from the South of Ukraine feeling sincere pain in our hearts. The Kakhovka Reservoir blowing up is a huge humanitarian and ecological disaster, the consequences of which we will suffer for a long time.
However, even in the most difficult times, our people cannot be broken. We see how heroically our rescuers save people and animals despite constant shellings. So many people are ready to shelter the victims, while humanitarian aid is gathered by the whole country and by caring people all over the globe.
Sigma Software Group and unity Fund could not stay aside. During last week, the experts of the company, our friends, and partners, as well as everyone, who desired to help, took part in urgent fundraising for fighting the consequences of explosion and flood. Sigma Software donated 1 million UAH.
Together with all other donations, the money are directed to urgent needs of the region and people suffering from consequences. The whole sum of the funds raised reached 1,130,682 UAH.
On the direct request of Kherson local authorities the Fund purchased:
- 100 heat guns. Total sum spent on heat guns and logistics: 697,800 UAH.
- 46 generators. Total finds spent for generators and logistics: 426,880,00 UAH.
These items will help people to dry out their flood-affected houses. You can find all the invoices attached.
The remaining funds (6,002 UAH) will be distributed to other Fund`s projects.
If you`d like to support any other ongoing project, you can do that by the link:
We thank everyone, who participated in this urgent fundraising. Stay tuned for updates on other projects of Sigma Software Unity Fund on our Facebook and Instagram pages, and on website.
Proud to be Ukrainians!