H1 and July Results

The end of July marked the end of the first half of the year as well, and we are thrilled to share the H1 results along with the main figures from July.

Sigma Software Unity Fund’s work results for H1 2024

The first six months of the year ended so quickly, and we did our best to help our people and our Armed Forces when they needed it.

  • We transferred 350K USD in aid during the first half of 2024 and 4.4M USD during the whole activity period of the fund.
  • We are receiving numerous requests from the Armed Forces of Ukraine, including requests for drones and personal equipment, as well as electronic equipment.
  • We held a large-scale fund raising with Sigma Software Group for a project aimed at protecting Ukrainian cities from rocket attacks. The total amount donated for this project is 1.7M UAH.

Find more details in the infographics.

July results

In July, Sigma Software Unity Fund transferred 511,988.98 UAH (about 12.5K USD) to cover the urgent needs of our defenders mostly in Donetsk and Kharkiv directions:

  • Purchasing of personal equipment for a total of 58,075 UAH.
  • Purchasing a radio scanner for the total sum of 52,417 UAH.
  • Transferring laptops for the Army needs with a total price of 44,999 UAH.
  • Purchasing a remote antenna for 139,800 UAH.
  • Purchasing 3 drones DJI Mavic 3 Pro for the total sum of 216,707.98 UAH.

In July, we also transferred 500K UAH to help Okhmatdyt the biggest pediatric hospital in Ukraine that was damaged as a result of enemy shelling. The raised funds will be forwarded to restore the premises and purchase necessary equipment for the hospital as well as ensure appropriate conditions for continuous treatment of Ukrainian children.

Sigma Software Unity Fund constantly gets gratitude and words of appreciation. We are glad to receive “Thank you” words from Uzhgorod center of recruitment and social support for transferring laptops and computer equipment; the 114th brigade of territorial defense that serves in Kupiansk direction for helping them with drones; a unit serving in Kupiansk direction for transferring 2 antennas, a radio scanner, and 3 Mavic drones.

In our turn, we send our word of appreciation to our defenders and everyone, who keeps supporting us and our country. Every donation matters, thank you for your constant help!

Sigma Software Unity Fund transfers 500K UAH to help Okhmatdyt

Friends, surely you heard that yesterday in Kyiv, as a result of enemy shelling, the Okhmatdyt buildings were damaged and destroyed. Okhmatdyt is the biggest pediatric hospital in Ukraine, where more than 20,000 children are treated every year and more than 65,000 patients come for consultations from all over the country.

Sigma Software and Sigma Software Unity Fund decided to urgently transfer 500,000 UAH (12,5K USD) to the Okhmatdyt Hospital to restore and purchase necessary equipment damaged during the enemy shelling, to ensure the conditions for continuous treatment of Ukrainian children.

If you`d like to support the hospital, you can donate “For Okhmatdyt” on our website.

You may also join the fundraising announced by the Ministry of Health.

June Results

Dear Friends,

The first month of summer is over. We`re glad to share the June results featuring the main activities of Sigma Software Unity Fund. As always, we are endlessly thankful for your support and donations!

In June, the Fund transferred 320,173 UAH to cover two direct requests from our defenders on Kharkiv direction:

  • Purchased a drone for the total sum of 190,823.00 UAH
  • Purchased drone control station and other additional equipment for the total sum of 129,350 UAH.

Recently the Fund also transferred 1250 USD to support our Brazillian colleagues after the floods they faced.

Continuing partnership with Kharkiv Spinal Center

In February, Sigma Software and Unity Fund started a partnership with Kharkiv Spinal Center, which specializes in rehabilitating our defenders who have spine problems after serving in the army or as a result of injuries. In June, the Fund transferred 40,000 UAH for the urgent needs of the institution.

About 27,000 UAH of this sum has already been spent and included

  • 25 doctors` consultations
  • 21 appointments for сorrections by an osteopath
  • 47 rehabilitation sessions

Stay tuned for further updates about our partnership with Spinal Center and other projects.

Results of fundraising for the protection of Ukrainian cities

Dear Friends, in May, we announced a big fundraising in honor of Sigma Software’s 22nd birthday intended to support a large project aimed at developing a system for the protection of Ukrainian cities. The project should start from Kharkiv, which is suffering from enemy`s missiles.

Many of you have responded to this fundraising. We are glad to share the amazing results we have:

  • 13,035.82 USD (about 534,839.53 UAH) donated by our wonderful colleagues! We are so proud to be a part of such a close-knit and caring team!
  • 20 ambassadors supported the fundraising in their social networks, inviting their followers to join it. They were able to gather almost 2,400 USD (93,750 UAH).
  • 72,460 UAH (1,800 USD) were raised among the participants of the DOU Day conference, which we supported as one of the main partners.
  • Sigma Software and Sigma Software Unity Fund decided to double not only the amount gathered inside the company but the whole sum of received donations, which is 701,049 UAH.
  • 300,000 UAH (around 7,500 USD) saved from the T-shirts are transferred to the common fund.

The total sum thus reaches 1,702,099 UAH or around 41,800 dollars!

We thank all of you, who made this possible! You are incredible!

May results

Dear Friends,
May was a very eventful month for Sigma Software Unity Fund. We`d like to share with you the main results and thank you for your continuous support.
In May we transferred 1,173,916 UAH to the Army needs, including:

  • Remote control and other accessories for drones for Kraken for 150,901 UAH.
  • Drones control station for Kraken for 129,350.
  • Purchasing electronics by request of the 7042 unit, serving on the Donetsk direction for 437,855 UAH.
  • Purchasing two drones for the total sum of 387,734.76 UAH (9,000 Euro).
  • Purchasing personal equipment and means of personal protection for our colleagues, who joined the Armed Forces for 68,075 UAH.
  • Purchasing construction materials for one of the units in the Kyiv region for 20,000 UAH.

Sigma Software Unity Fund, although focusing on Army support, is eager to support other socially significant projects.

Thus, in May we transferred 396,000 UAH for further promotion of the truth about the war through the demonstration of the “Bucha” documentary. Previously, we partnered with the documentary team during its screening in Kharkiv. This time the movie gathered Ukrainian and international networking in Lisbon.
The fund and Sigma Software supported the contest for creative and talented kids in the Carpathian region gathering over 400 participants from all over Ukraine. We provided 85 thousand UAH to purchase tablet PCs for the winners to make their educational process more flexible and efficient. We always seek to help the talented youth and inspire them to choose tech specialties. This is especially important during such turbulent times. We believe these smart and bright young people will soon make their contribution to the country’s renovation and prosperity.

We also organized several events to promote Ukraine and gather donations for the Army and Ukrainians.
On May 14, our Lviv office hosted a charity stand-up night, raising 64,200 UAH with tickets, auctions, and donations! More than 40 people visited the event. All the funds will be used to buy essential equipment for the Armed Forces of Ukraine, particularly for the strike drone company of the 128th Separate Mountain Assault Brigade.

On May 24, the opening of our “United by Victories” exhibition took place at the Space Meduza art bar in Berlin. More than 100 people, including our colleagues, journalists, friends, representatives of Ukrainian IT in Germany, and guests from the USA, Turkey, Canada, and other countries came to see the artists’ works and find out how the project was created.

During the event, guests were interested in how they could support the Ukrainian Army. We organized the sale of merch, the proceeds of which will be forwarded to support the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

The exhibition will continue for two more months at the Space Meduza art bar (Skalitzer Str. 80).

March results

Dear Friends,

In March we continued helping the Army and did our best to close the direct equipment requests received from the Armed Forces. Find detailed information on the completed and ongoing projects in our regular report.

Transferred 26 Laptops for the National Guard

In 2024, the Ground troops together with the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, began implementing SAP logistics management systems in each brigade. Such systems allow for checking the units` needs quickly and without unnecessary paperwork, seeing the status of the application, and preventing corruption risks.

Currently, SAP is used only for the supply of spare parts and clothing provision. However, it is planned to add more new supply categories in the future.

This system is widely used by partner countries of Ukraine, which allows to unify the logistics system with allies and to carry out complex logistics operations without unnecessary trouble.

For the needs of this large-scale project, Sigma Sofware and Sigma Software Unity Fund, with the support of our Swedish partners, handed over 26 powerful laptops to the National Guard for a total sum of UAH 109,364.

Continue cooperation with the Spine Center in Kharkiv

Last month we started cooperation with Kharkiv Rehabilitation Spine Center, and are glad to share the results. During March 79 people received medical help within the transferred sum including 14 doctor’s consultations, 25 osteopath appointments, 19 rehabilitation sessions, and 21 physio procedures.

United by Victories in Kharkiv

On March 30, Sigma Software and our Unity Fund joined the film screening in Kharkiv. The event took place in a bomb shelter of the National Theater of Opera and Ballet and welcomed a wide audience including IT specialists, representatives of educational institutions, journalists, and volunteers.

The film named “Bucha” tells the story of a volunteer, who saved hundreds of people in 2022.

Sigma Software supported the screening as an information partner and launched an exposition of “United by Victories” mural copies to attract more attention. Serhii Evdokimov, the Head of the Sigma Software Unity Fund, visited the event and told the participants about our activities and ongoing projects.

We managed to get several donations, and all of them will be directed to the Army help.

Thank you for your support and trust. Let`s help together!

February results

Dear Friends,

Winter is over, and it is time to share the February results with you. The total amount of money gathered and transferred in February reached 782,025.82 UAH, which is about $20K.

The majority of requests were still coming from the Donetsk direction. Within this period, Sigma Software Unity Fund managed to purchase and transfer:

  • DJI Mavic 3 T enterprise drone for the total sum of 194,213.76 UAH.
  • DJI Mavic 3 Pro drones, 6 pieces for the total sum is 436,557.47 UAH.
  • Personal equipment for our defenders for a total of 80,254.59 UAH.
  • Two signal amplifiers and two remote antennas for military unit 7042, the total sum is 71,000.00 UAH.

In February, Sergiy Evdokimov, Head of Unity Fund, handed over four powerful computers to the Air Forces, namely to the Center of Monitoring of the Information Space. This is a small unit, whose main task is to create video materials on how the help from our Western partners is used on the frontline and in the Army. The unit needed modern computers for video processing. The transfer took place in Sigma Software Kyiv office.

Also, Sigma Software and Unity Fund started a new partnership with the Kharkiv Spinal Center, which specializes in the rehabilitation of military personnel, who have problems with the spine after the military service or as a result of an injury. The first transfer for $1000 will be handed over soon to cover the most urgent needs. In the future, we plan to continue this cooperation and provide financial assistance regularly.

We never tire of thanking you for your continuous support and your every donation! Stay tuned for further updates.

January results

Dear Friends,

The first month of 2024 is over. We never stopped helping our defenders and hurry to share the latest report with you.

In January, the Sigma Software Unity Fund transferred various equipment to the military units serving mainly in the Donetsk direction and also worked with direct requests from the Ministry of Defense. The gathered funds in January reached 1 ,013,801.68 UAH ($26,996) and were used for:

  • Purchasing cables for the military unit in the Donetsk direction for 14,796.00 UAH.
  • Payment and transfer of Starlinks for our defenders in the Donetsk direction, 90,041.52 UAH.
  • Purchasing personal ammunition and equipment for the total sum of 58,977.00 UAH.
  • Purchasing a charging station for a total of 72,098.00 UAH.
  • Purchasing a signal amplifier for a military unit in the Donetsk direction, 40,000.00 UAH.
  • Transferring spare parts for the amphibious assault brigade for 250,000.00 UAH.
  • Purchasing DJI Mavic 3 drone of the 80th separate airborne brigade, which is defending the country in the Donetsk direction, 74,848.20 UAH.
  • Purchasing gun scopes for the 225th battalion, 165,000.00 UAH.
  • Transferring laptops for the Ministry of Defense for a total of 248,040.96 UAH.

We are grateful for your everyday support! Stay with Ukraine!

Stay tuned for further updates.

Results of the year

Dear friends,

We sincerely congratulate you on the New Year. We send the warmest works of gratitude to our defenders and wish all of us peace in the upcoming year.

We also would like to recall the main milestones in Sigma Software Unity Fund’s work in 2023 and share with you our plans for 2024.

Our main focus in 2023 was on helping the Army Forces processing the direct requests that we get from our defenders from all directions. The most popular requests were personal protective equipment, electronic warfare equipment, vehicles and spare parts for them, drones, and Ecoflows.

We also ran several big fundraising campaigns and took part in joint projects.

  • It is of course, help for the Kherson region after the dam explosion, when we managed to gather over 1,3M UAH.
  • We joined the project of Janika Merilo aimed at finding and returning Ukrainian kids who were illegally relocated to russia.
  • Together with the Charity Fund “Patients of Ukraine” we gathered the necessary sum to equip a training room for future FPV drone pilots on the basis of hospital rehabilitation departments.
  • Also, we joined the project of the Lviv IT cluster and Lviv Military Administration called “Shahedbusters” and transferred the necessary funds for fully-equipped pickup aimed at fighting with drones.
  • Transferred 150 pieces of computer equipment to one of the Kharkiv universities, and others.


Since the beginning of 2022, the company and fund already gathered and transferred over $4M.

In 2024 we plan to continue doing what we do. Also, we are considering starting new partnerships with Ukrainian military manufacturers and the government.

We are very grateful to all of you, who supported us in 2023, and hope you`ll stay with us.

December results

Dear Friends,

We are sharing with you the results of December. This month the fund was able to transfer the help for a total sum of 488651,79 UAH. Due to your constant support, in December Sigma Software Unity Fund purchased and handed over to the different units of Armed Forces the following equipment:

  • Tires for total sum of 25,376 UAH.
  • Replacement Starlink cables for 23100 UAH.
  • Personal equipment and means of protection for the total sum of 32,948.08 UAH.
  • Radio equipment, charging stations, laptops, and power supplies for a total cost of 229,608.96 UAH.
  • DJI Mavic 3 Pro and DJI RC Pro Remote Controller, 104751,75 UAH.

The fund also continued cooperation with the project aimed at locating and returning Ukrainian children from russia. In November, the fund supported the project with equipment for a total sum of 72,867 UAH.

We are so grateful for your every donation. Let`s continue helping together!